Thursday, April 29, 2010

Join the Ranch Staff

A hearty thank you for your time, energy, resources - for dedicating your abilities and talents to this summer's VBS. Praises to God for how many willing and excited Christians are working together to provide a means to share the truth and beauty of Jesus to children and their families! There are a number of ways you can help at Saddle Ridge Ranch; just check out the below listings and see if you can pitch in anywhere below (also check out the Dates to Know page to see specific VBS Work Days):

VBS Prayer Warriors
These lucky individuals - Workers, Volunteers, Anyone (!) - have the great undertaking of praying for, over and about the happenings of Vacation Bible School on Saddle Ridge Ranch.

We would appreciate your prayers as we continue to do the planning, promotion and preparation involved with VBS. Below are a few helpful things you could use as guides for prayer:
  • Prayer Calendar: day by day prayers for the preceding months to VBS
  • Prayer Cards: simple reminders for how to pray for the kids during the week of VBS

VBS Workers
These lucky individuals - Cowboys, Cowgirls and Wranglers - have the great undertaking of leading about and teaching the young cowpokes (aka the kids) the ropes around Saddle Ridge Ranch.

The Lead Teacher of each room/rotation will be given the Lifeway Saddle Ridge Ranch-specific teaching and planning material packet; Assistant Teachers will be notified of which Lead they will be helping, in which room/rotation. Here are a few responsibilities and things to to keep in mind:
  • Responsibility: Lead & Assistant(s) work together in planning and preparing for their rooms/rotations.
  • Responsibility: Create a supply list of needed materials and give to VBS Director by Sunday, May 23rd.
  • Responsibility: Set-up and decorate rotation site to reflect VBS theme, room name.
  • Keep in Mind: Plan and prepare for 75-100 children (as projected from 2009's attendance)
  • Keep in Mind: Pre-registration deadline is set for Friday, July 2nd to give you an extra week prior to VBS to prepare additional materials, in case more than 100 children are anticipated to attend.
  • Keep in Mind: Although the Lead & Assistant(s) are responsible for the decoration of the rotation site, various decoration pieces will be created by the Construction Crew and/or Arts & Crafts Extraordinaires - just let the VBS Director know if you'll need any help!
Any changes or new information will be communicated directly to the Lead Teacher, who is then expected to relay pertinent information to his/her assistant(s). If there are any questions or concerns regarding childcare for your own young ones, please contact the VBS Director.

VBS Volunteers
These lucky individuals - Construction Crew and Arts & Crafts Extraordinaires - have the great undertaking of building and creating the beautiful structures that will make up Saddle Ridge Ranch.

Ahhh, my people! You are the ones who have to deal more directly with the hullabaloo that comes with transforming Lake Country Baptist Church into Saddle Ridge Ranch...bless your hearts. Materials are being purchased, gathered and prepped - it will be announced via individual contact, through the church bulletin or during service announcements when and where they will be available. Specific project guidelines and specifications will be given to individuals case-by-case.

Are you handy with a jigsaw? Possess a finesse for crafts? Here are examples of things that will be used for VBS props and decorations:
  • Split rail fencing sections (approximately 4'x3')
  • Foam board cut-outs of stable doors
  • Foam board cut-outs of stalagmites
  • Foam board cut-outs of mountainscapes
  • Plywood cut-outs of western gear
  • Mini- to Jumbo-sized tumbleweed
  • Staining maps and papers and the like
  • Drawing ranch-related pictures
  • Creating picture and poster frames out of branches
The list goes on and there is plenty of work for willing hands and creative minds. Better at being pointed to a piece of work and told to just paint one color of paint on? Or cut out a shape? Well, there's a job for you, too! Ideally, the majority of construction and art materials will be on-hand for individuals to use; however, if you are given a task that requires your own expenditures please contact the VBS Director prior to purchase to hash out a budget for the project. Reimbursement slips are available upon request.